About us
We are a multi-generational, Christ-centred church that meets on Sundays to connect with God and with friends. We experience lively worship, listen to a message and enjoy fellowship over a coffee or tea.
Planted in Uxbridge, ON, Canada over 25 years ago, Living Water Community Church is led by our Lead Pastor together with the members of our Pastor's Council and our Pastoral Staff.
LIVING WATER is the synonym for the Holy Spirit.
Jesus said. "Whoever is thirsty should come to me and drink. Rivers of Living Water will pour out from within anyone who believes in me."
As we gather and praise God our heavenly Father and Jesus Christ His Son, our Saviour and Lord, we believe that HE is with us and reveals Himself by His Holy Spirit - Life-giving water - to bless, encourage, heal and restore us.
our pastoral staff:
Julie Fitz-Gerald
Community & Care
Jessica Taylor
Next Gen
Markus & Liz Brandt
Lead Pastor